Virtual disk > Sharing

Sharing files

In order to share files on your virtual disk, place them in a public or shared folder.
The internauts or your contacts (according to the level of sharing) will find items shared on your space: URL de forme

Share files in 3 steps

1. Create a folder by choosing who can access it.
2. Put your files inside.
3. That's it (or share the URL)!

If they are following you, those who are allowed to access the folder will have information on their homepage and from your space.

If you have chosen people with no accounts, an invitation will be sent to create an account and securely access your files.

If you have selected "Everybody", your folder will be public and everyone may access it even without an account.

In order to share a folder via a link without requesting the use of an account, go to folder settings to make it public or hide it. Hence, the only way to find out if the folder is existing is to have the URL. This sharing method is far less secure that using an account for each contact.

Manage your contacts and contact groups

To easily select contacts or groups when creating a folder, they must be added to your contacts.
To manage your contacts, add, or create groups, when you are connected, click on the penultimate icon in the menu.

Sharing the URL

The shared public files and folders can be viewed or downloaded on your space: URL de forme

For each file or folder, you can retrieve the URL in your virtual disk by using the buttons located below the folders and files.

For a file, there are three URLs:
The URL like displays the page regarding the file and its comments. This page allows you to watch streaming videos.
The URL like PATH displays your file directly. However, some characters such as #, ? or & can block the display.
The URL like is the link to download the file directly.

Direct links

Using direct links to your public files externally without going through an eno page is available as an option.

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