Help > Make a link

Make a link

Retrieve the logos to make a link to your space. You can also create a link to allow your visitors to share your pages on eno.

eno Logos

Right-click on the desired format, then click on Save Target As to retrieve the image or on Copy Shortcut to retrieve the URL of the image.
The "e" logos: 32×32 64×64 128×128 256×256 512×512
The "eno" logos: 340×99 680×197 1280×372 1920×557 3840×1115

Share Button

To enable sharing of a page, insert the following code:
<span id="e_share"></span><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Once connected to eno, the user will be invited to share the referring page with their contacts.

Custom Share Link

If you want to create your own share link, you can do it from this link:

TEXT should be replaced with your text or your title.
URL should be replaced with your URL.
You can use one or both parameters at the same time.

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