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Forum: Medical Negligence Solicitors in Cheltenham - What You Need to Know Before Hiring an Immigration Solicitor
06/03/2023 08:41:44Annette Bordeaux

The immigration system in Ireland is not as straightforward as it might seem. If you’re an American citizen planning to move to Ireland and looking for a job or residency, it can be overwhelming to navigate the country’s immigration laws. Luckily, there are ways to make this process easier on yourself. One way to do that is by seeking out an experienced immigration solicitor or lawyer who can help guide your application through what can sometimes be a confusing system. So before you start looking into making the move over, here’s everything you need to know about navigating Ireland’s immigration legal system:

Ireland is one of the easiest countries in the European Union to move to.

Ireland is one of the easiest countries in the European Union to move to. If you have a valid passport and can show proof of employment, you can move there on your own.

However, if you’re looking for permanent residency or citizenship with all its benefits (including being able to work in Ireland), it’s best to hire an immigration solicitor who knows all about Ireland’s immigration system and how best to navigate it successfully on your behalf.

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