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Forum: Medical Negligence Solicitors in Cheltenham - How to Care for Your Bamboo Sheets: Tips and Tricks for Longevity
14/04/2023 16:25:12Annette Bordeaux

Washing your bamboo sheets is a delicate process. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your new bedding:

  • Wash them in a gentle cycle and use cold water, not warm or hot. This will prevent damage from heat and harsh chemicals.
  • Don’t use fabric softener or bleach–they can cause yellowing over time (and also make it harder for you to tell if there’s anything on the sheets). Also avoid using too much detergent, which may cause buildup or residue in some cases.

Use cold or warm water.

  • Cold water is best for bamboo sheets.
  • Warm water can cause the bamboo to shrink, which will result in your sheet not fitting as mattress pad .
  • If you’re going to use warm water, be sure that it’s not too hot or else it could damage your sheet and cause fading.
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