Arman Sabciyan 0 follower OfflineArman Sabciyan
Dear Chessfriends
When I first learned to play chess I thpught it is an easy task
to beat my opponents.
After sometime I understood that it was not that easy.All my opponents were
playing a good level of chess and I felt rather ignorant not being able to
win games.For every move there was a reply even many replies which were all
logical.After gaining some experience, I started to play to victory more games and
better results.I understood that experience is very important specially evaluating
poisitions which led to victory.In German there is a saying "Uebung macht der meister"meaning practicing makes a meister.So it went on further as this proverb
was proved that nobody becomes a master without any practice.
Good Luck and Better Results
30/06/2023 12:36
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