Arman Sabciyan 0 follower OfflineArman Sabciyan
Dear Chessfriends,
I played correspondence chess for some years the first year I scored 8 Wins in 8 Games
and as per the classifacation I was the second best player with equal points with the winner just because of the opponents with lower rating.
the second year again I played 8 games which were considered in the classification according to the tournament rules.During this year I played a game against the winner
of the tournament of pervious year.My Opponent was an expert in Sokolsky's opening or Orang Utan Opening named after the special opening.Like similar games in the History of Chess I was searching and after games played by Black in this special opening.
As A Matter of Luck I was successful and found a sample game played in a Corresondence
Game where Black found a very strong move thus winning the game brillantly.
Luckily I was the one playing with Black Pieces therefore I had the chance of using the same tactic against White.My Opponent was rather lazy in moving and we reached the position of the sample game.In spite of several reminders I did not receive a reply to my several reminders. I had to direct a complaint to the tournament director and all of a suıdden I received a reply with bad manners and rude hand gesture.
In reply I played the shocking move as per the sample game and my Opponent after sometime informed his resignation through another chessfriend in the tournament.
I am sorry for the long story.
What I want to mention is Either Lose or Win Politely and like a Real Sportsman.
Never being Rude
It is easy to be Rude but much easier is to be a Gentleman.
Regards to All
27/01/2023 15:18
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