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Forum: news section - What are the fuel prices at GasBuddy
10/09/2023 11:09:30Celly Swehykol

Hello! I've been using the GasBuddy app to find the best gas prices and nearby gas stations, but recently ran into a few issues. I need to contact the company's customer service to resolve these issues. Can you suggest me how to do this? Are you aware of the contact methods available, as well as the tips and suggestions you might have to keep your customer support running smoothly?

10/09/2023 11:17:04Mous Kopert

Hey there! With gas prices constantly fluctuating, it's hard to know where to find the best deals. The GasBuddy mobile app solves this problem. When I first heard about this about the mobile app, I immediately installed it for myself but faced the problem of activating my account. I was very helpful gasbuddy customer service whose representative guided me through all the stages of registration and activation, and I enjoy using this mobile application.
27/09/2023 18:13:00Celly Swehykol

Hey there! When it comes to saving money on gas, the GasBuddy mobile app is a must-have. I remember the first time I used it, I was amazed at how accurate and up-to-date the gas prices were. It's like having a personal assistant that helps me find the best deals. I can't thank GasBuddy enough for creating such a useful app.

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