Celly Swehykol 1 follower OfflineCelly Swehykol
Forum: news section - How does Google process user data?
16/10/2023 20:23:48Mous Kopert

Good afternoon Ever since I started using Google, I have been impressed by the variety of products they offer. How do they process user data and what steps do they take to protect it? Also, can you shed some light on how Google uses the data it collects from users? How can I ensure that my information is handled responsibly and my confidentiality is maintained? 
16/10/2023 20:25:19Celly Swehykol

Hey there! Gone are the days when you had to carry physical maps or ask for directions. With Google Maps, we can easily navigate unfamiliar places, navigate roads, and even access public transportation information in real time. If you have never used the services of this company, read google reviews and you will understand that it is very convenient, and you will probably use them in your daily life and appreciate all their advantages.
16/10/2023 20:27:30Mous Kopert

I'll be sure to check my privacy settings and explore the options they have. Your information has helped me better understand how Google processes data. I realized that one of their goals is to provide a more personalized and relevant user experience. At the same time, it is reassuring that they do not sell personal information to third parties. The data they use is largely anonymized and aggregated to protect identity.
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