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Forum : Discussions - What does the future hold for Ukraine's energy sector?
09/11/2023 07:45:56Osborn Tyler

The energy situation in Ukraine has been jeopardized by the destruction of infrastructure and changes in energy supplies since the outbreak of war. The crisis affected not only the country, but also the region as a whole. What do you think the future holds for Ukraine's energy sector?
09/11/2023 07:47:50Lawrence Walton

Immediately after the outbreak of war, Ukraine faced problems with its energy supply. The destruction of the energy infrastructure and the interruption of supply from some sources created instability in the supply of electricity. This had both economic and social consequences.
09/11/2023 07:48:52Osborn Tyler

Yes you are right, read a lot of expert opinions on this, I would like to believe in a better outcome.
09/11/2023 07:51:16

Opinion about energy in Ukraine Aleksandr Katsuba the following: prospects are still questionable in the context of the ongoing conflict. The need to rebuild destroyed infrastructure and secure energy facilities creates challenges that require a comprehensive and international approach.

Assistance from the international community can play a key role in rebuilding the Ukrainian energy system. This could include providing technical assistance, financing rehabilitation and modernization projects, and supporting the security of energy facilities.

Overall, the energy situation in Ukraine after the outbreak of war requires not only national efforts, but also solidarity and support from the international community to ensure stability and sustainability in the region.
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