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Choose the Proper Dog Crates Models for Your Pet

A dog is, without a doubt, e person's best friend, and once you have one to live with you, you must have all the conditions for proper growth.  Also, it would be best to say that you hope things will improve even more, especially in the countryside. The dogs in the yard need shelter to help them grow and develop harmoniously. In such situations, dog crates are a good option for them. They can be chosen depending on the size of the quadruped but also other criteria.

Before you buy a cage, take your time and think about all the small details that will help you make the best choice. What type of dog do you have? Is it a small or a large breed? Things like where your dog stays indoors or outdoors are essential details that will help you decide what type of cell best fits your pet. Search over the internet for different models and see which attracts you the most, and of course, it has all the characteristics a pen needs to have for your dog to feel as comfortable as possible.

Where Can You Place the Dog Crates?

Every pet needs a shelter, a place of its own, a bed, or a cage to stay in because, in this way, it will have a sense of security and be more peaceful. As a model, dog crates can be a traditional house for sheltering four-legged friends outside, usually in the yard. Most dog owners consider various aspects when purchasing such a product. Still, one factor that should always be considered is where the cage will be assembled. Things like this are important, so if you need more info, you can search online for ideas. 

Make sure that you will place the cage near the house, a large building, or a shed, in a place protected from the wind. The purpose of a dog cage is to protect the animal in bad weather, rain, or snow, but also from the cold. In addition, it is essential to check the cage for any cracks or holes where wind or precipitation could enter. Thermal insulation helps to maintain an optimal temperature inside the dog cage. It can distinguish between a winter with bearable temperatures and a frosty one that would cause discomfort even for your dog.

Choose the Perfect Dimension for Your Dog

The size of the dog crate will vary depending on how big the dog is or will become as an adult. Thus, for a small or medium-sized dog, the cage size generally varies around 70 cm in length, width, and height. The dimensions of the chosen dog crates must be adapted proportionately for a medium to large-sized dog, usually requiring a cage of approximately 100 cm length/height and 90 cm width. The cell should give the dog enough space so it does not feel cramped and can easily stand up and change its position. 

A smaller cage is preferable in winter because it helps to keep the animal you care for warm. However, a more spacious cage will provide better ventilation during the summer. Of course, we consider both cases when purchasing the pen, choosing one no larger than a third of the dog's size. For example, the first dog cage model is more suitable for large and medium-sized puppies with a longer body shape that lends itself to a rectangular floor. The second model – the 4x2m galvanized dog cage – is recommended for small dogs instead.

Do Not Neglect the Following Aspects:

  • Make sure the model you want has the proper insulation to keep your dog comfortable in summer and winter.
  • Before buying the dog cage, it is good to measure your dog first; it will help you get an idea of the cage's width, length, and height.
  • Choose the right size according to the dog's size; it still needs space to play and sleep.
  • It is advisable to ensure that no sharp corners are left inside or outside that could accidentally injure your dog.

In addition to food and attention, pets also need proper shelter, so if we have a dog, its cage must be chosen carefully. An outdoor dog crate should be sturdy and durable. The material plays a decisive role in this case. Tip: Stainless steel screws withstand the weather! Also, the pipes' density must be according to the dog's size so that the distance between them is not too large. A good piece of advice is to select functional but affordable dog crates so that adopting a dog in your life is not a problem but a reason for joy. 

How to Make a Dog Cage: Top Tips

The floor of the dog cage - A ground-clearance motherboard is perfect. You can make clever combinations: use a pallet as a floor and place it on some flat stones. Thus, the cage is far from the ground and does not cool down as quickly.

The side walls of the dog crates - The house's side walls and front and back walls are made of slats or wooden boards - except for a particular construction made of pallets. The entrance in the front wall must be cut large enough with a hacksaw.

First, carefully screw each part of the cage carefully because any mistake can cause instability. It is best to pre-drill all the holes. Considering the wood will be worked on the outside, there are better ideas than dowels. If the cage is used in the cold season, putting many more layers of polystyrene on the inner side walls is recommended. It insulates well, and the quadruped cannot eat it.

When building the roof - a pitched top or a flat one? The choice is only yours! The matte version is, of course, simple to assemble. As for the material you must use, take your pick because there are many alternatives. The top must be resistant to rain. That is especially true for outdoor dog crates. Another idea is to use pallets for creating the cell you want for your dog. They are smaller, cheaper, and will take a little while to finish the job. Compare all the options and choose the one you consider the best. 

Publication: 07/09/2023 19:57

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