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How To Become a Level 2 Electrician?


Even though many people tend to discredit manual jobs in favour of other jobs that they think stimulate the intellect more, blue-collar jobs are critical to today's society.

Almost everything you use is only available to you because of the work of these people. Construction workers, carpenters, and electricians are all incredibly important for maintaining the quality of life we have all gotten used to.

This is why many young people would benefit from looking towards these kinds of jobs. Not everyone is fit to be a CEO, a lawyer, or a doctor, but there are other jobs just as crucial that sit right at the foundation of society.

One of those jobs is that of an electrician. If this field seems interesting to you, maybe you should look into how to become a level 2 electrician or a level 2 ASP.

What Does an Electrician Do?

As you know, almost every building on the street has an electrical power system, as well as communications, lighting, and control systems.

All of these systems are typically installed while the building is still being built. However, after the construction is finished and the systems can be used, they still need to be maintained, and this is where electricians step in.

These systems are used to make the jobs of all the employees in those buildings easier or to make all the residents' lives more comfortable if it is a residential building. At times, they might need to be fixed or inspected by certified electricians.

Some of the things electricians do include installing, maintaining, and repairing all these systems, namely communications, lighting, and control systems. Electricians work in different places; they work in homes, businesses, and even factories.

When it comes to the type of work they do, electricians can be divided into two big categories, which will later branch out into all the different kinds of electricians.

The first category is the linemen. These workers are also known as outside electricians or line electrical workers. They handle tasks outdoors and mainly install electric utility transmission and distribution systems. These people only work with high voltages and the purpose of their work is to ensure that power plant electricity is moved into substations.

Next comes wiring. These electricians, also known as inside electricians, can handle tasks inside residential or industrial buildings. They can only work with lower voltages, and some of their main tasks are installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems.

Another such category is installation technicians. The professionals work alongside inside-wiring electricians to install low-voltage cabling that will later be used for video, voice, or data outlets. These electricians might sometimes work in quite precarious environments, such as buildings that don't yet have heating and cooling systems installed.

Are There Different Types of Electricians?

There are many types of electricians in terms of expertise, but the main ones are residential and commercial.

Just as their name suggests, residential electricians work in residential buildings such as houses, apartments, and others. Their work typically consists of maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing electrical systems within homes. Their work also focuses on lighting, heating, and cooling systems.

The second type of electrician is the commercial one. People who work as commercial electricians typically do about the same work a residential electrician will do, the only difference being that they manage these tasks in commercial buildings.

One thing such electricians do is work with public safety in mind since their workspace is often invaded by other people in commercial settings.

There are other types of electricians, such as industrial electricians or maintenance and installation electricians. To learn more about them, read the following article.

What Is a Level 2 Electrician?

Electricians can also be categorized depending on the type of work they can complete; a level 1 electrician does not know how to complete a level 2 task. This a matter of safety, and the higher their level, the higher their expertise, and the more you can trust them with your problems.

Level 2 electricians work in more than one type of property, including residential or commercial buildings. Their work mainly involves conducting installations, maintaining them, or repairing faults on the service lines.

Some of the tasks these electricians can perform are installing smart meters, upgrading switchboards, or putting together electrical compliance reports. This level can be divided into four different types: 2A, which mainly disconnects and reconnects power lines; 2B, which works on underground systems; 2C, which works only on overhead systems; and 2D, which manages network service equipment.

How To Become a Level 2 ASP?

If you decide to become an ASP, which stands for Accredited service provider, there are a few steps that you should follow.

The first thing you should do is to decide on the type of training you want to undertake; if you choose level 2 ASP, then you will be informed of the kind of training you will need to complete.

After you complete the core and mandatory units required for your training, you will need to apply for accreditation from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. If your accreditation is accepted, you will be registered as an ASP.

Now, all that remains to do is to apply for authorization, and after you are accepted, you are free to work in this field as a level 2 ASP.

Even though you might overlook some jobs like an electrician, for instance, because you aim at something different, know that working in one of these jobs is equally rewarding.

Everyone needs workers who are at the base of modern-day society. Everyone should have access to their applications, to new and resistant buildings, and nice furnishings. All of these can only be done by workers who fit into the category of blue-collar workers.

If you are considering becoming a level 2 electrician or a level 2 ASP, know that this is a job worth your time. Give it everything you've got.

Publication: 25/06/2024 12:26

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