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What does it mean to awaken to wisdom?

Shinran, a Buddhist monk in the 12th century said,this year and last year, we heard of the passing of many people. It is truly sad. However, the truth of the impermanence of life and death is a fact taught by those who have awakened to it, so please do not lose your mind and be awaken to its wisdom.

As imperfect beings, no matter how much we human beings are heartbroken over the death of our neighbors., it is unfortunately very difficult for us to help them.

No matter how deeply we wish and shed tears for the resuscitation of our dying relatives, as we all know, we cannot bring them back from the dead. The thought is a noble but imperfect act of mercy that cannot be performed.

You can awaken wisdom. Everyone can do that. Then you can practice the act of perfect compassion, and in time, when you awaken to true wisdom, you can help your neighbors who wish to awaken to wisdom and help them fulfill their wishes. That is what it means to be awakened by wisdom.

That is how we can live a great life.
18/10/2023 16:05
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